Engaged in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the support of academic research, the Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles support the Open Access-principle by authorizing authors to share their personal contributions under the conditions listed here below, as well as by releasing periodicals and books online in open access as quickly as possible.

Sharing Your Publications: Green Open Access

Articles published in journals and chapters published in edited collections:

Every author of an article featured in a journal published by the ÉUB, or of a chapter featured in an edited collection released by the ÉUB is allowed to post the final version (publisher version) of their article/chapter online in open access on a personal webpage, the website of their research unit and/or their open institutional archive, as well as any other not-for-profit archive immediately after publication (without embargo).

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The publication's complete bibliographical references will be indicated on the webpage or in the open archive (title, author/scientific editor, year of publication/volume, ISBN/ISSN, page numbers), along with a hyperlink to the journal or edited collection on the webpage of the ÉUB .

Copyright is reserved to the ÉUB: © Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, year of publication.

Posting the article/chapter on for-profit websites (like, Research Gate, Mendeley, Facebook, …) is forbidden.

Monographs and entire edited collections

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Open access distribution of sold out books

Since 2006, the ÉUB have made available in open access all its sold out titles (monographs and edited collections), as well as a number of other out of print books.

Browse through list of open access titles on the webpage of the ÉUB: URL

The author of a book listed in open access on the webpage of the ÉUB is authorized to publish the integral version on their own personal webpage, the webpage of their research unit and/or their institution's open archive. The publication's complete bibliographical details should however be indicated on the webpage or open institutional archive (title, author/scientific editor, year of publication/volume, ISBN/ISSN, page numbers), alongside a hyperlink to the title on the ÉUB webpage.

Posting entire books (monographs/edited collections) on for-profit websites (like, Research Gate, Mendeley, Facebook, …) is forbidden.

Summary Overview

Type of Publication


Posted on author's personal website or page of their research unit, an open archive or institutional repository

Posted on for-profit websites (, Research Gate, Mendeley…)


Authorised version



Article in journal

Final publisher's version (PDF)

License CC BY NC ND
© Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles


Chapter in edited collection

Final publisher’s version (PDF)

License CC BY NC ND
© Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles


Monograph and edited collection

Final publisher’s version

Out of print title, available in open access on ÉUB webpage


*Terms and conditions applicable to all publications: The publication’s complete bibliographical details should however be indicated on the webpage or open institutional archive (title, author/scientific editor, year of publication/volume, ISBN/ISSN, page numbers), alongside a hyperlink to the title on the ÉUB webpage.